Zone C
Sir:The two new 2Lts, Milford and Kerneels-Pépin, accompanied 2Lt Carson-Jeffries and I to strafe the enemy trenches near the south of our sector. The sky was absolutely cloudless, and we circled southeast of Albert waiting for a change. No change was forthcoming, and eventually I decided we needed to either dash for the trenches, or return to Corbie. We dashed for the trenches.
As we approached the lines, two Albatros D3s in the distinctive markings of Jasta 11 dove on us. As ordered, Milford escaped as soon as he saw an opportunity (if I may say so, the RFC School had no business sending him to the front). All of the rest of us managed to fire and were fired on in return at one time or another, but the dogfight broke up before any damage was done.
Once over the trenches, two more Albatros D3s from Jasta 11 dove on us. Again, Milford escaped, and I joined him to clear a jammed gun. Carson-Jeffries reported that he and Kerneels-Pépin each took on one of the D3s each. Kerneels-Pépin's petrol tank was holed, but the D3s did not press their advantage.
Carson-Jeffries, Milford, and I made a quick pass strafing the enemy lines, and then turned to escort Kerneels-Pépin back to Corbie. As soon as we'd left the immediate area of the front, yet another Albatros D3 from Jasta 11, this one all red, attacked, singling out Kerneels-Pépin. The additional damage to his machine made a forced landing imperative. Seeing that he'd pulled it off rather neatly, the rest of us vacated the area before the red D3 could return.
We were almost to Albert when Jasta 11 struck again, this time with two Albatros D3s and a Halberstadt D3. Carson-Jeffries' engine was damaged, while I drove off one Albatros and wounded the pilot of the Halberstadt. With our petrol running low, we ended the scrap as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was not soon enough. With the time we spent waiting for the weather to improve, and the petrol burned in three protracted combats (and a brief one), we could not make it back to Corbie and all set down safely on the outskirts of Albert.
(signed) Lieutenant Wolfgang Grün
"B" Flight, No. 54 Sqdn RFC
April 12, 1917
- Victory Points
- Trench Strafing +6
Jasta 11 Scout Damaged/Aborted (Grün) +7
Two Allied Scouts Damaged/Aborted (Carson-Jeffries, Kerneels-Pépin) -6
Two Allied Scouts w/ Minor Damage (Milford, Grün) -6
Mission Offset -10 - Total -9
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