Bloody April - 1917 is a campaign game from Terry Goodchild’s ‘Wings over France’ rules for solitaire play of WWI aerial combat during the Battle of Arras. Like all the combat of the war the offensive took a terrible toll, but in the air the Allied losses were especially heavy compared to those of Germany. This campaign attempts to recreate that bloody month . . .


To the Men of the Amiens Sector:

We are about to undertake a great offensive. It will prove to be a challenge for all of you and your aircraft. Because of the defensive nature of the Hun air strategy we must take the battle to him, which we will do with the utmost vigor. Remember always our primary responsibility is to provide assistance to the ground forces; this is the highest priority, and to do so, we must do everything possible to protect our reconnaissance and observation aircraft. Set forth and do battle knowing that with you are the confidence and heart-felt appreciation of a grateful nation.
Colonel J.B. Wagner-Stowe DSO
Commanding Officer, Amiens Sector

Monday, 25 October 2010

19Sqdrn. 'B' Flight - Offensive Line Patrol - April 13, 1917

(Zone “A”)

Taking Part:


Lt. Harry Brandt

2nd Lt. Wendell Austin

2nd Lt. Michael French


• We left Amiens under overcast skies. I took the flight directly east to Zone “C” and we crossed over east of St. Quintin. Immediately we were met by two Alb. D-III’s and the battle lasted an inordinate length of time with absolutely no results one way or the other.

• When we were rid of them we commenced to look for ground targets. We spotted a goods train headed west. Austin and French puts some rounds into what they hoped were ammo cars, but alas, no big bangs. French’s fuselage was holed by ground fire.

• Shortly after we spotted another train but we did no damage to it as we were interrupted in our endeavors when we saw not high above us an Alb. D-II escorting another smoking D-II. We gave chase, but the best we got out of it was two driven-off’s. The smoker was a sitting duck but he got into the rain clouds and I couldn’t find him.

• Nothing further of note except Austin this time was the recipient of MG fire as we passed over the lines.

(signed) Lt. Harry Brandt, acting flight leader

Mission Points:
Goods train damaged: 8

Mission TOTAL: 8

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