(Zone “B”)
Taking Part:
Lt. Henri LeMaris
2nd Lt. Wendell Austin
2nd Lt. Michael French
2nd Lt. Peter Burnette
2nd Lt. Robert Swann
Two-Seater Aircraft (5 Sqdrn.):
Sgt. Owen Cadell / 2nd Lt. Max Faraday
Sgt. Brian Cornell / 2nd Lt. Paul Pressing
• We had gotten as far the lines when the heavy cloud changed to snow and sleet and it remained as such for the entire mission until just before regaining Amiens. Crossing into Hun-land near the northern emergency field Cornell/Pressing had to land there because of a serious engine problem leaving us with only the one DH-4 for photographing, a fact which further diminished our hopes for success.
• We stayed at a thousand feet to avoid archie but paid with some vicious MG fire. Burnette had his fuselage shot up as did the DH-4. The snow and sleet were terrible - continuous, coating the wings, covering us and numbing our hands and faces, penetrating even the smallest opening in our flying suits; especially bad were the goggles which had to be cleaned continuously.
• In this swirling white hell Richthofen and two Alb. D-II’s somehow spotted us and attacked just short of the objective. During a very brief combat Lt. DeMaris shot down one of the Abatrosses. Richthofen, apparently not wanting to fight us and the weather, soon led the remaining fighter back into the clouds and we finished the assignment, but with little hope of having any decent photos.
• The only adversary we faced returning was the weather as we had to withstand the icy conditions while trying to stay together and not lose our way. Once on our side we were aided in this by following what had been the Arras - Amiens rail line.
(Signed) Lt. Brandt, ‘B’ Flight, 19 Sqdrn.
Mission Points:
Photos: 0
One non-Jatsa a/c shot down (LeMaris): + 20
Mission Deduction: - 10
Mission TOTAL: +10
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