Bloody April - 1917 is a campaign game from Terry Goodchild’s ‘Wings over France’ rules for solitaire play of WWI aerial combat during the Battle of Arras. Like all the combat of the war the offensive took a terrible toll, but in the air the Allied losses were especially heavy compared to those of Germany. This campaign attempts to recreate that bloody month . . .


To the Men of the Amiens Sector:

We are about to undertake a great offensive. It will prove to be a challenge for all of you and your aircraft. Because of the defensive nature of the Hun air strategy we must take the battle to him, which we will do with the utmost vigor. Remember always our primary responsibility is to provide assistance to the ground forces; this is the highest priority, and to do so, we must do everything possible to protect our reconnaissance and observation aircraft. Set forth and do battle knowing that with you are the confidence and heart-felt appreciation of a grateful nation.
Colonel J.B. Wagner-Stowe DSO
Commanding Officer, Amiens Sector

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

54 Sqdrn. 'B' Flight - Artillery Spotting - 15 April, 1917.

Zone B


2Lts Carson-Jeffries, Perry, and Kerneels-Pépin accompanied me escorting No. 5 Sqdn's Sgt Barnes to spot for our guns near Mercatel. Sgt Hill was Barnes' pilot. The entire mission was conducted at 1000 feet, mostly in light rain.

The flight was uneventful until we reached the front lines. Three Albatros D3s from Jasta 11 attacked us at that point. Sgt Hill got his DH4 out of the fight quickly, and I stayed with him. The 2Lts acquitted themselves well in the face of such superior aircraft, although Carson-Jeffries' engine was hit. After the Germans broke off, I directed him to proceed to the Mercatel Advanced Landing Field on his own, as it was relatively nearby.

Sgt Barnes established contact with the battery easily, but registering the guns did not go as well. Success was achieved in ten minutes, although it seemed much longer as we circled behind the lines. Fortunately, fire from the ground was badly aimed, and no HA interferred with us.

My engine started giving me trouble as soon as we returned to the Allied side of the lines. The Flight saw me safely to the Mercatel Advanced Landing Field, where I discovered that Carson-Jeffries' engine had quit over Mercatel. He was able to glide over the ruins and set down near the Advanced Landing Field, causing only minor damage to his aircraft. Perry and Kerneels-Pépin returned to Corbie with Barnes and Hill.

(signed) Captain Matthew Edeline
"B" Flight Leader, No. 54 Sqdn RFC
April 15, 1917

Victory Points
Successful Spotting (Barnes) +20
One Allied Scout w/ Minor Damage (Carson-Jeffries) -3
One Use of Advanced Landing Field by Undamaged Aircraft (Edeline) -2
Total +15

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