With Lt Grün and 2Lt Kerneels-Pépin at the North Advanced Landing Field after this morning's Balloon Bursting mission, B Flt, No 54 Sqdn, has no scout pilots available for the ordered Offensive Line Patrol. I regret that it must be cancelled.
(signed) Major Benjamin Wagner
C/O, No. 54 Sqdn RFC
April 21, 1917
- Victory Points
- Failure to Undertake Mission -25
- Total -25
1 comment:
I have to admit that canceling this mission is somewhat of a relief. Now I don't have to agonize over how much of a risk I should run with my last two scout pilots on the last day of the campaign. I won't have to consider the risks of a Twilight Patrol, either (although that would have been a fitting way to wrap up the campaign).
I am, after this mission, half a point over the cut off for "Full Control of the Skies". Whether I can hold on to that will depend on whether a newly-arrived two-seater crew, on their first mission with the Flight, can at least break even on a Defensive Line Patrol.
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