Sgt Barnes and I conducted a Defensive Line Patrol this afternoon while the scout pilots of B Flt, No 54 Sdn, operated against enemy balloons. Sgts Hill and Steele were our pilots. We took off in a thunderstorm and climbed to 20,000 feet. Passing over Albert and the South Advanced Landing Field, we then turned north as the rain stopped. By the time we reached Mercatel, we were in a mist and spotted a lone Albatros D3 far below us. With the advantage of height, numbers, and surprise, I ordered an attack. Sgts Hill and Steele were both able to fire on the Albatros, to no effect. A pair of Albatros D3s joined the fray, hitting Barnes' machine and causing only superficial damage. I managed to fire at one of the D3s, then all the HA disappeared into the mist.
We'd engaged the D2 at 6000 ft and fought our way down to 2000 ft, so we began climbing as we continued to the remaining checkpoints, reaching 20,000 ft over St Pol. Our return to Albert and then Corbie was without further incident.
(signed) 2nd Lieutenant Cameron Hamilton
No. 5 Sqdn RFC
April 11, 1917
- Victory Points
- Patrolled 9 Checkpoints +18
Mission Offset -12 - Total +6
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