I conducted a Twilight Patrol for B Flt this evening, following my usual plan of climbing to 15,000 feet and heading toward Arras to wait for the light to fade. This time, however, I spotted two Albatros D2s 6000 feet below me while I was passing north of Albert. One was trailing smoke, and I dove to attack. I shot the undamaged HA down on my third pass, but the damaged one got away.
I returned to 15,000 feet and flew to Arras, where once again, I spotted two Albatros D2s. Both were undamaged, and flying at 13,000 feet. Again, I dove to attack, but my gun jammed. By the time I'd cleared the jam, the Albatroses had escaped.
I descended to 1000 feet and flew southward along the lines, waving to our troops. I refrained from strafing the German lines, as the two combats had used about half my ammunition. Visibility had become good, and I wanted to make sure I had ammunition available if further HA were encountered. I found a use for that ammunition between Mercatel and Bapaume, when I was attacked by a Halberstadt D3 and two Albatros D2s. I got into a turning contest with one of the Albatroses, and eventually forced it down — unfortunately behind the German lines. I expended the last of my ammunition on the Halberstadt to no avail, and broke for home. After this display, I don't see how any of our troops could have misidentified my Triplane, but a trigger-happy machine gunner fired on me, a bullet grazing my arm. I returned to land safely at Corbie aerodrome, but will be out of action for a few days.
(signed) Major Benjamin Wagner
C/O No. 54 Sqdn RFC
April 20, 1917
- Victory Points
- Patrolled 4 Hexes +8
One German Scout Shot Down (Wagner) +20
One German Scout Forced Down w/ Bad Damage and Minor Injury (Wagner) +8
One Allied Aircrew Slightly Wounded (Wagner) -10 - Total +26
1 comment:
The rules don't say how to score "Forced Down", so I just made up the +8 points for "Forced Down w/ Bad Damage and Minor Injury". It seemed like it should be worth more than the +3 for "Damaged/Aborted", but less than the +20 for "Shot Down". I settled on +8 because it's half the points I would have lost if it had happened to an Allied aircraft (-6 for scout with bad damage, -10 for the minor injury).
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